Investigacion... busqueda web

Thursday, July 27, 2006
ahora dentro de mi dia de tirar mucha weba y trabajar poco... en el suffle de mi winamp salio una cancion... que tengo bajo este titulo "Ballamy, Iain - If i Apologised"... me daba weba escuchar la cancion y escribir la letra tal cual venia... yo sabia que estaba cool.. se me pegaban unas partes... y vamos... es una excelente cancion musicalmente hablando... bueno.. intente buscar la letra... y nada... hasta que me puse a buscar dentro de comunidades de blogs y encontre mas de lo que buscaba...

este link

se los dejo :)

y la letra claro :)

If I apologised

If I apologised
it wouldn't make it all unhappen
wouldn't make the darkness go away
If I apologised
it wouldn't mean I was forgiven
wouldn't mean you wanted me to stay

it's a dream
when you seem
to be walking into the sun
we're on first
and we still don't know what we've done
so we don't say anything.

If I apologised
I don't suppose you'd even notice
even though I'd whisper it inside
If I apologised
we could be the perfect couple
Well we could, but only in my mind

if you ask
for the mask
then we're stumbling on through the dark
But we wait
it's too late
And we only had to be asked
so we don't say anything.

It couldn't hurt to try it
It couldn't hurt too much to try
It's there beyond the quiet
it couldn't hurt too much to fly...